Monday, February 20, 2017

My Top 5 Obsessions This Week

Hello to all my semi-constant readers out there ! So much going out there, but on this blog we only celebrate good things and I post only things that resonate with me. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 

1)  I am furiously watching Taboo with Tom Hardy! This is a captivating series about the shipping trade in London in the1800s. I am sucker for production quality and this delivers . There is a dark grittiness that you can feel and the supernatural thread that runs through adds an eerie tone. Amazing acting from favs such as Jonathan Pryce and Michael Kelly round out a great cast. Tom Hardy is so charismatic that he lives and breathes his character.

2) With the tragic loss of Mary Tyler Moore , I have been watching The Mary Tyler Moore Show on Hulu. Lou Grant, Rhoda and Phyllis all have so much chemistry together it seems like a master class in comedy. There never has never will be anyone like Mary Richards. She can turn the world on with a smile. And we need her now more than ever.

3) A documentary on HBO not to be missed is "Beware The Slenderman".It follows the true crime of two 12 year old Wisconsin girls and the 2016 brutal attempted murder of their best friend to appease the fictional Slenderman. The Slenderman lives in the darkest part of the internet and has become subject of  video games, stories and art and it seems children of the current internet age all are familiar with him. What his purpose is changes in all the stories and this film explores his affect on children.

4)  Reading The Girls by Emma Cline a debut 2016 novel fictional account of a cult closely resembling The Manson Family. Cline carefully examines the wants and needs of a fourteen year girl in a broken California home in 1967. Our main character Evie is exactly the profile that fits with the Manson girls and there is so much detail I really felt and envisioned each part of the story as she gets drawn into belonging in the dark and disturbed world of this cult.

5) Sandra Monica Boulevard- Sandra Bernhard's new incarnation of a show is all the things you want in a Sandra show. Her sharp satirical views on the current political climate, Hollywood and NewYork . She started the show with "Say Goodbye To Hollywood " and did a whole bit on super agent "Sue Mengers" that was hilarious and spot on. No one was safe in Sandyland as she regaled stories of her Trump supporting father and his bevy of ex wives with colorful vignettes on each one. She even delightfully skewered Susan Sarandon and her famous décolletage. it was a wonderful evening of comedy and song that only Sandy can bring.